From all kind of places in Denmark and USA.

Air Band Show
in the NCO
1984 |
Air Band Show
in the NCO
1984 |
Air Band Show
in the NCO
1984 |
Air Band Show
in the NCO
1984 |
1985 |
1985 |
1985 |

4th of July
Football match
Danish civilian girls
against U.S.Air Force
1985 |

4th of July
Football match
Danish civilian girls
against U.S.Air Force
1985 |

4th of July
Football match
Danish civilian girls
against U.S.Air Force
1985 |
4th of July
Football match
Danish civilian girls
against U.S.Air Force
1985 |

Facebook groups

This group is dedicated to keeping the memories alive and maybe find a long lost friend or colleague from the "Sondrestrom Air Base Era".

Lad os få genoplivet nogle af historierne fra dengang vi slog vore folder på Strømmen... Øgenavnene osv. Giv dit besyv med...

For alle der bor eller har boet i Kangerlussuaq
Private websites
about Sondrestrom

Malmquist Site, by Lars Malmquist

Sondy Logen

The Firebirds |